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Showing results 12 to 13 of 13 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Water and sediment chemistry as drivers of macroinvertebrates and fish assemblages in littoral zones of subtropical reservoirs.Munyai, Linton F.  ; Liphadzi, Thendo.  ; Mutshekwa, Thendo.  ; Mutoti, Mulalo I.  ; Mofu, Lubabalo.  ; Murungweni, Florence M. 
2023Why humans kill animals and why we cannot avoid it.Allen, Benjamin L.; Bobier, Christopher.; Dawson, Stuart.; Fleming, Peter J.S.; Hampton, Jordan.; Jachowski, David.; Kerley, Graham I.H.; Linnell, John D.C.; Marnewick, Kelly.; Minnie, Liaan.; Muthersbaugh, Mike.; O'Riain, M. Justin.; Parker, Daniel Matthew.; Proulx, Gilbert.; Somers, Michael J.; Titus, Keifer.